Category: faith

A Tale of Two Funerals

A Tale of Two Funerals

Dying has been on my mind lately. Specifically I’ve pondered the disparity, at the end of life, between a person who knows…

An Abortion Dilemma

An Abortion Dilemma

In 1979 I had a major crisis. I was twenty-seven and pregnant with my second child when my husband said he didn’t…

Why We Need Heroes

Why We Need Heroes

We need heroes. People who’ve overcome adversity and led meaningful lives are examples for us. Heroes remind us of our potential and…

How Do Christians Dream Big?

How Do Christians Dream Big?

Christian influencers often exhort believers to dream big and go after their passions. Do you ever feel left out or inadequate because…

Love Drew Me to Jesus

Love Drew Me to Jesus

I was a teenager on spring break in Gulf Shores, Alabama, mesmerized by a group of hippie-looking young people on the beach.…

How to be an Empathetic Friend

How to be an Empathetic Friend

I’m terrible at asking for emotional support. I mostly keep my feelings to myself. How can I expect a friend to understand…

Longing for Heaven

Longing for Heaven

When God answers a desperate prayer, it’s like heaven on earth. It doesn’t get much better.  But what about when we don’t…