Category: faith

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

With round-the-clock news and social media, we’re inundated with outlandish information and terrible stories, all designed to accumulate “customers.” As I heard…

Growing Through Change

Growing Through Change

How do you respond when confronted with change? Do you groan at the idea? Or do you have a tinge of exhilaration?…

My Unexpected Valentine

My Unexpected Valentine

Have you ever dreaded a holiday? For years, I dreaded Valentine’s Day. February 14 shouted, You’re all alone; your husband left you.…

Honoring God With Our Goals

Honoring God With Our Goals

What is your focus for 2024?  What we focus on expands. As Christians, we know we’re supposed to focus on God, but…

A Cup of Hope

A Cup of Hope

I sat on my hands to keep them warm. My heart pounded and my thoughts darted in a million directions. I wanted…

How Will Your Life be Spent?

How Will Your Life be Spent?

“Lord, I’m your currency, spend me how you wish.” My early morning walk was a perfect time to pray. The “money terms”…

Do I Really Love You, Lord?

Do I Really Love You, Lord?

“Lord, do I really love You?” My words came suddenly without thought. I’d never questioned my love for Him. There I was,…

My Jesus Revolution

My Jesus Revolution

One sunny, chilly day in Gulf Shores, Alabama, I encountered Jesus. It was spring break in my senior year of high school. …

A Tale of Two Funerals

A Tale of Two Funerals

Dying has been on my mind lately. Specifically I’ve pondered the disparity, at the end of life, between a person who knows…