In re-reading my last post, An Abortion Dilemma, I realized there is a bit more to say. Abortion is not a pleasant topic to address, and I hope this is my last contribution to the discussion. The personal story I shared was meant to offer a perspective different from the one I hear most often publicly. A story of hope to encourage women. I wanted to say that life can end up really sweet even when it doesn’t seem possible. People make assumptions about how pregnancy will affect a person’s life and what dire situation a baby could be forced into. These become the basis for a woman (or girl) to terminate her pregnancy. The truth is, we don’t know what the future holds… ever. At best we can only guess how such a situation will play out.
Thirst was made for water; inquiry for truth.
C S Lewis
I haven’t come to my beliefs hastily. My opinions have clarified and solidified over fifty years. This may cause you to validate my views or write me off as an out-of-touch baby boomer. Either is fine. The point is I haven’t wavered about my faith and beliefs about abortion.
That being said, you have freedom to make your own choices and live by your own religion or belief system. I hope you’ll embrace sound truth as you enjoy your one unique life. We live in a time of constant clamor from all directions. I urge you to turn away from tired taglines and mindless monotonous chants, and be an independent thinker. Maybe we should all turn off social media for a while, too.
Being loud doesn’t increase the value or validity of their opinion. In fact, often by the very nature of being the loudest, those opinions are typically the furthest from reality.
Mark Homer
There is only one reason I write again now. I care about you. I don’t intend to preach, although I’m sure I’ve been guilty of that. I’m a mama and grandmother, afterall. My desire to love and affirm women outweighs any tendency to judge. I’ve lived long enough and gotten to know my own faux pas sufficiently that I’m not interested in looking for others’ faults. My main life goal these days is to produce encouraging thoughts for women who come behind me. I want to affirm you by stating some qualities I believe are part of your character.

You are beautiful.
You were designed in God’s image. No one will ever be just like you. You are 100% extraordinary in every way. You’ve noticed the brevity of life and you won’t miss the moments.
You’re strong.
You are capable of making hard choices.
God gave you strength and abilities that men lack. The miraculous, mind-boggling process of conception, gestation, labor and delivery is saved for women. Only an infinite Master Designer could create such a maternal being.
You are smart.
You can think for yourself. You don’t believe everything you hear. You know how to research fetal development: when a baby’s heart starts to beat and when he kicks or sucks his thumb. You can learn what happens during an abortion procedure.
You’re insightful. You’re intuitive and sensitive to what people think and feel, even when other people aren’t.
You’re brave.
In the midst of fear, you keep going. You’re able to make life decisions that are best for the long term, even if they’re scary at the point of decision.
You are free.
You can use your inborn freedom to make good decisions for yourself and those you care about. You make small choices each day about food, jobs and friends; and big choices about religion, marriage and where you’ll live.
You’re compassionate.
You care about people in need. You sacrifice your time and resources to help. You forgive people. You realize love is the antidote to the tragedies of life, and that love never fails.
You’re a hard worker.
When you’re exhausted you keep going because you know your contribution is valuable and you’re here on earth for a purpose.
You remember your goals even through trials and obstacles. You accept support from people who love you. You learn from the hard things.
About love:
Our society seems to have forgotten what love really is. Here’s a common theme: loving a person assumes you must agree with his beliefs and lifestyle; that anything goes. It’s a good thing we don’t “love” our children like that. We go to great lengths to teach them rules and boundaries to protect them. We want them to live in safety. We don’t tell them, “Go play in the street, swim in the pool alone; whatever makes you happy, because we love you.”
When we care for people, we want them to have the information they need to make the best decisions for their lives, also. We’ll do whatever we can to keep them from “drowning”. We want people we love to live within safe guidelines for their lives as well.
Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.
C S Lewis
Many years ago when I faced the hardest day of my life, up to that point, a friend simply said, “You can do it.” That is what I leave you with today. Whatever this day holds for you, I know you can do it.
Praying for a full, fun, fulfilling life for you and those you love.
Cheering you on,
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
C S Lewis

Today’s post is so encouraging! We can do it!!! Whatever life brings us! God holds our future! Im sure my birthmother didnt know how she was going to handle her unexpected child(me), From a date who forced himself on her. she gave me up for adoption and it was no one but the lord who hand picked my adopted parents and the life i would live! I am a music educator who helps young people identify who god created them to be. Thank you myra for this bold mothers love and AFFIRMATIONs to us women!
Whitney! Thank you so much. I’m so glad for your ‘mothers’. God used them both to write your story….You’re a beautiful godly woman with a loving family! A gift!
Thank you dear Whitney! ❤️
BraVo! What a great response to follow up the last blog! Well thought out, ABSOLUTELY full of love and affirmation of life and our capabilities to choose with INTELLIGENCE and wisdom. No judgement there!
Hi Lynn!
Thanks very much for your encouraging reply. I needed that! 🙂
Thank you, dear Myra, for your beautiful articles on how our Lord gives us everything we need when we make the right choices. the bible tells us that God knew us before we were conceived. and each one of us has a specific and unique personality and DNA. all human beings are created in the image of god, therefore have a special value. your story is so moving and to see your beautiful daughter in the pictures makes me smile. you were so brave and your words are so encouriging to everyone who is afraid…
I had my youngest son at age 19 and am so proud of him, too. god does not leave us alone. he watches over us and brings people into our lives to support us. you so beautifully described how he worked in your life. and to all who ask God for forgiveness his arms are wide open.
thank you, Myra!
Thank you so much, Sandra, for your comments!