Tag: love

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

With round-the-clock news and social media, we’re inundated with outlandish information and terrible stories, all designed to accumulate “customers.” As I heard…

Valentine’s Day With a Twist

Valentine’s Day With a Twist

Frilly red hearts, chocolates, and romantic dinners fueled my imagination the instant I flipped my calendar to February. Will my husband remember?…

Becoming One

Becoming One

From the time I was a little girl I daydreamed about marriage. It was an innate desire. Cinderella taught me everything I knew.…

My Special Supper Guest

My Special Supper Guest

When I grew up in the deep south, we called our evening meal supper, and reserved the term “dinner” for fancy meals.…

Tips For a Perfectly Imperfect Christmas

Tips For a Perfectly Imperfect Christmas

I would speed through it all and finally sit down to enjoy our decorated fresh fir… after the holidays. I was overwhelmed with sadness when I realized I’d missed some priceless moments that were gone forever.

What I’m Learning About Love

What I’m Learning About Love

Look into her/his face. Smile big. Say good morning in my happiest voice. If she/he starts a conversation, listen intently and make a kind reply. Repeat…

Don’t Quit in the Middle

Don’t Quit in the Middle

We got married to be together. For better or worse. Let’s put on love. One touch here. A kiss there. A kind word. Love is made up of lots of little decisions. Let’s wear LOVE like a coat. Let’s wrap our SELVES completely in it.

Matters That Matter

Matters That Matter

There is a part of me that would like to climb up on the old soapbox and tell you what I think about all the craziness in our world today. If I did, my voice would only heighten the loud cacophony all around, in which it is hard to distinguish a true voice that matters.

Oh to be Alone

Oh to be Alone

A few months ago, while waiting in a long line, I found myself listening to a conversation in a public place. There was mild irritation between a husband and wife who were disagreeing over a minor issue concerning a child. A mom, who wasn’t acquainted with the couple, commented to the wife that she was so glad she no longer had to endure arguing.