With round-the-clock news and social media, we’re inundated with outlandish information and terrible stories, all designed to accumulate “customers.” As I heard recently, Planes that land don’t make the news.
The Olympic’s opening ceremony hoopla and outrage got me wondering, how does God want us to respond to the craziness around us?
Evil has been present since Satan tempted Adam and Eve. Christianity has been mocked and misunderstood since Jesus came into His earthly ministry. Still, we find ourselves shocked when another offensive cultural phenomenon comes along.
There once was a time when people behaved with social decorum and civility. Today our culture is obsessed with self: self-promotion, self-pleasure, and self-importance.
Christianity is about self-denial. Our leader willingly gave His life for us. The keystone of our Christian faith is to die to self—to put others first.
We shouldn’t be surprised when unbelievers act like unbelievers.
My first reaction to the colorful sexually chaotic tableau in the opening ceremony was how silly. Secondly, I felt sad for the actors on the dais that replicated Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting. What led each one to participate in this dramatic scenario? I imagined Jesus in tears, longing for them to know Him. I looked at the performers and prayed for them.
The occasion meant to celebrate elite athletes from many countries, instead, pushed a social agenda. With a little imagination, someone could’ve created an interesting positive presentation.
The next time we’re confronted with controversial exhibitions, what will we do?
Pray first.
Prayer doesn’t get the credit it deserves. It’s often a last option, as in, at least we can pray. Before we react rashly, we should ask God for wisdom. Christians should never attack evil with evil. Think before you speak, I can hear my parents saying.
Remember, love is the greatest response.
Jesus loves the people who offend us.
…some of you used to live in these ways but, you are different now; you have been washed clean, set apart, restored and set on the right path in the name of the Lord Jesus…
1 Cor. 6:11 (The Voice)
Do we take for granted the life we have in Jesus? While we’re privileged to know Him, many will live apart from Him for eternity.
Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Acknowledge evil.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12
Our King has already won the battle. He isn’t intimidated by the enemy’s tactics. No power can overcome Him.
As you’re made aware of offensive content, ask yourself some questions. Is my response necessary? Is my motive pure? Will anyone be positively impacted by my social posts? Should I write a letter of complaint? When appropriate, how can I be involved with the organizers to introduce another perspective?
God’s wisdom will guide us to utilize tactics commensurate with the offense.
Consider, what are we teaching the younger generation?
Are we showing them how to react impulsively in anger? Or are we teaching them to thoughtfully consider an issue before responding? Is our commitment to Jesus of utmost importance? Do we live each minute of the day asking Him to direct us? Do we make choices in tandem with His will?
How can we recognize evil and simultaneously reflect God’s love?
As we keep our eyes on Him, He’ll show us the steps to take.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
. Thaks for Sharing a Godly PERSPECTIVE on how we should react to evil.
thank you Sandra!
So true! If we pray and then respond in love, we can’t go wrong. Well said, Myra!