Tag: trusting God

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

How Should a Christian Respond to Evil?

With round-the-clock news and social media, we’re inundated with outlandish information and terrible stories, all designed to accumulate “customers.” As I heard…

Growing Through Change

Growing Through Change

How do you respond when confronted with change? Do you groan at the idea? Or do you have a tinge of exhilaration?…

What Worry Accomplishes

What Worry Accomplishes

I wonder how much time I’ve lost to worry? In the early years of our marriage I recall standing at our living…

Where is Your Focus?

Where is Your Focus?

I asked God for a word that would help me accomplish His plans for me in 2020. The word, Focus, came to me, oddly enough, during the Total Strength class at the YMCA.

Prayer for a New Year

Prayer for a New Year

I find myself still wandering around in the old year working on the lessons begun there. I’m not as excited about a new year as I usually am. I want to be dazzled by the new number and the new decade but it hasn’t hit me yet.
So I come to you Lord, humbly, again offering myself completely to you. I don’t have it all together, but this is what I do know: You are my everything. I fervently long for your will to be done in my life so that I will bring you glory in this bright and shiny New Year.

Don’t Quit in the Middle

Don’t Quit in the Middle

We got married to be together. For better or worse. Let’s put on love. One touch here. A kiss there. A kind word. Love is made up of lots of little decisions. Let’s wear LOVE like a coat. Let’s wrap our SELVES completely in it.

Magical Friendship

Magical Friendship

It felt good just to hear myself say the words and to hear her listening. She went on to tell me about a difficult situation she and her husband have been navigating with a third party. Immediately the magic happened again. We were entering into each others’ lives and caring and responding. It helped me to get my mind off of myself; pray again for her and also feel relieved of my sad feelings.