When I was seventeen, I entered the God School. The Administrator Himself issued a personal invitation. I’ve been enrolled for fifty years, so you might say I’m a seasoned student. What’s unique about the school is that I’m not bored, even after attending many thousands of days. The material is repetitive but never drudgery. I don’t grow tired of learning— it’s new and exciting every day.
There’s only one Textbook in the school and when you see it you’ll understand why. It embodies every single lesson one would need to excel. And what’s really other-worldly about the Book is our repeated lessons cause us to become more like the Benefactor.
It’s not laborious, but actually a joyful experience. The words studied and memorized become part of one’s life. It’s like feasting at a huge table every day with people you love and the food becomes part of you and transforms you into a fully developed person.
The school’s staff is small and efficient. There are only three staff members:
The Administrator has an IQ that is off the charts. Truly He knows everything and His intelligence has no limit. He has always existed— even before time. He not only created the God School; He designed our entire world.
Astonishingly, The Administrator also serves simultaneously as Teacher and Benefactor.
The Teacher works alongside us when we study our Book. He highlights truths we can apply to our lives and helps us when we don’t understand. He miraculously is always with us, even while we’re away from the Textbook. Many times, He’s given me comfort when I needed it most. He’s always ready with the insight I need when stuck in a dilemma. What’s incredible is He doles out help concurrently to students throughout the earth.
The Benefactor was tortured and nailed to a cross; He suffered, died and came back to life three days later. He gave His life in order for us to live true godly lives. He paid our admission to the God School. His main role is to copy whatever the Administrator does.
Although the God School is free financially, it’s also profoundly costly. The School requires you to give your entire life to the Administrator. It’s not as bad as it sounds, however. When you give your life to Him, you gain His Life; True Life, which is so much better; there’s no comparison.

Students don’t graduate from God School. When you join, you become a lifelong member. The Administrator knows just when a person has logged enough time in school; then the student flies up to Heaven and enters a brilliant perfect world with no pain and no tears. It’s more wonderful than anything we can imagine on earth. We’ll know our Three-In-One Administrator in a deeper and fuller way than we knew on earth. We’ll have zero regrets and be happier than we’ve ever been. The losses, grief and suffering from earth, we’ll learn, were part of the journey that led us to our Ultimate Home.
The lessons we studied over and over during our earth life will make sense. We won’t miss our wonderful classroom because we’ve earnestly begun our Best Life.
Announcement: The God School Reunion and Banquet will be held one day soon and all students are invited. TBA

I read the book of James this morning for approximately the 1000th time and it was fresh and applicable. God’s Word is alive. No other book compares. We need food to stay alive physically and we need God’s Word to stay alive spiritually.
His Word protects me, guides me and changes me.
God’s Word feeds me the truth I need today and forever. It never grows old. I won’t fully grasp it while on earth but every word and every truth brings me closer to the Father and reminds me I never want to be away from His presence.
On earth we see His masterpieces everywhere. Springtime bursts forth in all her glory with majestic colors and glorious designs. We revel in glimpses of heaven in flowers, trees, animals, and music. When I’m with my closest ones; my friends and family, for just a moment, I feel I’m in heaven. But in no time, the glory gives way to pain and sadness. Heaven is the only answer. The only way to taste heaven on earth and long for its fullness is to sit with the Administrator, Teacher and Benefactor. Open the Textbook and eat it because it is life.
Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
1 Corinthians 13:12