We just celebrated Eliza Jo’s first birthday with a “pool party” in our back yard. All the cool kids were there.
The grandparent hype is true! Full heart; big feelings.
Grandchildren really are our crown, as Proverbs 17:6 states.
This morning she stretched her arms out for me to take her from her daddy.
Eliza’s birthday has me dreaming for her.
I hope she’ll:
BE RICH… in relationships. That she’ll know the depth of true life-long friendships and the unconditional love of family. She’ll extend friendship to others at just the right time. As Emerson says,“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
KNOW TRUE LOVE… that she will know in her heart of hearts the perfect Love of her Heavenly Father– a love that’ll never diminish in length of time or depth. She’ll be ready when her Prince Charming comes because she’ll be rooted in true acceptance and love.
BE BEAUTIFUL… in her speech and her actions—beautiful in doing what makes her come to life, even if no one else is doing it! She’ll also find great beauty and joy in her worship of God.
BE STRONG… in her convictions. She’ll stand up for what’s right even if she’s standing alone, and like her mama, have compassion for hurting people. She’ll know true strength can show itself in humility and preferring the other person. Letting someone else go first and applauding them as they go.
BE HERSELF…She’ll love the way God made her; a unique and beautiful creation, unlike any other human. Created to accomplish specific tasks with joy, that no one else can accomplish. I hope, early in her life, she’ll understand how she’s wired and pursue her passions with great courage.
I hope she’ll laugh a lot and be funny like her daddy.
She won’t waste time comparing herself to others in appearance or talent because she knows who she is. She won’t expect perfection from herself but will strive for excellence.
She won’t run around seeking other people’s approval. She’ll be a God pleaser instead of a people pleaser. Her gaze will be focused on Him so that her focus on others will diminish.
FIND TRUE TREASURE… She’ll learn early to love God’s Word and listen for His Voice! She’ll become aware of her purpose. She’ll know real freedom and acceptance and not need to copy someone else.
She’ll be a reader; enjoying many wonderful books. Her thirst for knowledge and wisdom will never be quenched.
She’ll be inspired by the beauty of God’s creation from the mountains and the forests to the oceans.
FORGIVE EASILY… especially herself. She won’t quit when something is hard; and she’ll know that consecutive attempts will be easier. She’ll take risks, be brave and keep going right through fear. She’ll know there may be a greater risk in not trying.
She’ll forgive others in the same way she’s been freely forgiven. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
HAVE ABUNDANCE… She’ll always have enough to give away; a surplus to share with people in need.
Most importantly, I’m praying that Eliza will love the Lord with all her heart, soul and mind.
Myra, WOW!!! This is truly one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read!! I just love it!
Thank you for sharing this!❤️
Thanks so much Lee! I appreciate the encouragement!
Saving this. So thankful for such a great Mimi!
Thank you John!